Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Is 5G Coronavirus conspiracy theory true or false?

Hi guys, I am 5G the fifth-generation technology promising high speed & connectivity but before coming to you I have to help my friend coronavirus. People say it's 5G coronavirus v/s humans war.

During Corona period this theory is all over the internet.
It all started by the pseudoscientist & a conspiracy theorist, Barrie Tower who says that 5G is spreading the coronavirus at a faster rate and also affecting our immune system making our body weaker to prone to diseases.
Social media in a marketing way made this a breaking news.

Claims about 5G coronavirus news
• It affects the immune system.
• Droplets can travel on 5G waves.

Proofs that 5G coronavirus theory is purely false

Yeah, these claims are false !!

Not affecting the immune system:

• 5G is a radio wave & these waves are of lower frequency like WiFi and are non- ionising that means it can not penetrate our body, unlike X-rays & UV whose exposure will damage our cells.

•Strong waves i.e. high energy waves can do heating  but radio waves are not strong enough to warm up the body.

Not Spreading coronavirus:

•Coronavirus is still spreading at a huge rate in countries having no 5G network like Iran.

•Virus  droplets can't travel on radio waves. It can only be spread by inhaling the droplets or by touching the infected places.

This 5G coronavirus theory created huge havoc in UK and other places, where People are destroying cell phone towers, harassing and attacking the telecom engineers.
They made their campaign  "Stop 5G Stop Corona"

Social media find and delete fake 

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.are removing contents giving false information on coronavirus pandemic.

Doctors and scientists are there to think if u can't think then stop spreading false news , leading to disruption of our only to communicate.

For any information about coronavirus visit WHO.


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