Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Creating Passwords that will take years to crack


Are you watching stranger things on Netflix or any other shows.?                      My password is 'netflix123' [ size: 10 and medium strength based on password strength test . It's boring creating passwords with strong strength.


After 2 mins.

Well, this article will clear all your doubts about the importance of creating a password with strong strength.

Database breach is common these days not leaving tech giants like Facebook etc.
Recently unacademy, a leading education portal got hacked,22 millions of customers data got leaked.

Their passwords are now changed because those were very weak according to password strength test.

You'll be thinking the sites are not encrypting your data, then you're wrong.


"No encryption can save a weak password from getting cracked."

UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) conducted a survey then analyzed the passwords of accounts that are stolen worldwide.

List of  top 10 common passwords is your password among them









Any hacker should be able to crack the above passwords in the blink of an eye.

Have you created a strong password?

Don't assume your passwords are being guessed as hackers use computer tools to  crack passwords using the below methods:

  •   Brute force: It's a hit & trial method where words formed using the combination of a set of characters are checked. But it takes a lot of time to crack longer passwords.

'roses are red' is this is your password
with meaningful words, then it's safe!!           


  •   Dictionary attack: It's best for long password or passphrases. As users having long password always uses some meaninful words, a combination of meaningful phrases or maybe mnemonics.

And the dictionary is a book off meaningful words or phrases, or most used passwords.

 They got your password
'roses' 'are' 'red' each word is available in our English dictionary.

Creating passwords with strong strength

Not to use your family name, your name, your phone no. etc.

•Upper Case letters (A-Z)  
•Lower Case letters (a-z) 
•Digit (0-9)   
•Special characters (@,# etc.)  >
•long password (min. 10 characters)

Length is important?

asdfgh nearly takes 0 seconds to crack.

asdfghjkl adding 1 more character increases its cracking time to 0.01 sec.

Let's try to create a complex password,
I've created an 8 length password

(T-i0!H;         [ 9 years to crack it ]

(T-i0!H;h      [886 years to crack it ]

I think the hacker is dead!!

But It's difficult to remember this strong password right?
If we can't remember then all our time is being spent on resetting our passwords.

Let's try to make some pattern!

Taking a simple sentence

"My name is Charles."

>> My/ name/ is/ Charles.

M/n/I/C. [ 203 years] 

>>created a memorable strong password

It's too easy to remember but difficult to crack.

Now your turn, create a million-year password for your account and do strength test using the below my1login tool.

Note: This tool will not save the password you're typing and gives approx. results, as the processors & tactics are getting advanced day by day.