Tuesday 11 February 2020

Why to learn C++ ?

C++ is created by Bjarne Strousoup is one of the  widely used language nowadays .
It is the successor of c language which is a procedural programming language (where we  do a problem step wise) .

Why C++?

•We brought a new concept in our programming language to solve any real life problem easily called OOPS [Object Oriented Programming Language] .
This concept brought power to our  languages .

•It is a generic programming language which means i.e algorithm written for one data type will not be different for different data types.

•It got  rich libraries ,from which we can make new codes.

•It is very fast.

•It's best to use while making system softwares.


•Firefox & chrome have codes written in this language.

•Being closer to hardware mainly used to create system softwares.

•Used as an embedded language in machines.

•Various games like Doom,Counter Strike.

•Database softwares like MySQL
It is written in c++

Job & Salary

Salary information from  gooroo.io

•Junior Programmer

•Senior Programmer

•Software Developer

•Quality Analyst

•Game Programmer

•Software Developer Engineer

•C/C++ Analyst

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Real meaning of programming language

 Programming language

A computer don't understand  human language as it is a machine.
So in order to interact with a machine
we need to learn a language called machine language or binary language[0 or 1]
In simple words On / Off.
But it is difficult for us to understand or write it.

So in order to communicate with computer we developed a language called programming language / high level language.

This is how a programming language looks like

Computer programs are written in various
programming language which is then converted to machine language using
translators like assembler,compiler & interpreter.
Pic credit: geeks for geeks

Have you ever wondered how double clicking an icon on the windows opens the application well it's because all OS are made up of programming languages so there is a statement in program which tells the computer to open the application if someone presses double click on it.
Android is a program

Every application or machine you use it's made from programming language.

From oldest programming language
[ COBOL & Fortran] to the advanced programming language we use today like
C++,java,python ,PHP etc. which can easily solve any real life problem.We are still working on more..
and each programming language has its own syntax .So one must learn it before writing a program.
Top 10 programming languages

But if you're thinking that whenever a new Programming language comes  it has to replace the old one , then you're wrong
Because every language has its own beauty.